Google Search Results
Which all having maximum search result on Google?
Do you ever think which keyword is having maximum search results on Google?
No matter what you search on google, you will always get (About XYZ results (X.XX seconds)) on top of the page if your keyword present in google database.

The maximum amount of results you can get from google search is 25,270,000,000.

And if your search keyword not present in google database then you will get (Your search did not match any documents.)
Now, some of you might be thinking that which letter/word/phrases etc. has the highest number of search results on Google.
So the answer of this question is- there are many which the google shows 25,270,000,000 results. Here many means not in millions. They are nearly 30–40.
Some of them are :
a, the, numbers like 1–30 (not all), 24, 30 etc.
Hope You gain some knowledge from this.
Thank You